Parma Ham, Culatello, Bresaola, Cooked Ham, Salami, and more.

Authentic Italian** Ham aged 24 month Freshly Sliced
Vacuum Pack
After 24 months the result is a flavorful, rich and unique Ham. Its distinctive sweet and balanced taste is achieved thanks to the producer’s craftsmanship who cures the meat in a strict procedure, and to the sea winds that as they reach the mountain valleys they lose their saltiness and acquire a rich fragrance of chestnut groves. Slightly salty, sweet and umami for the thin layer of fat. Produced Naturally and with no preservatives.
Drape Ham slices around fresh figs or melon slices. Or try other fruits with complementary flavors, such as ripe pears. To create an elegant salad, top mixed greens with slivers of Parma Ham and curls of Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Approximately 8-10 pieces per serving
Shelf Life: 3 days after sliced. Keep Refrigerated
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算

Authentic Coppa di Parma pork cold cut produced by Cav. Umberto Boschi.
Cav 生產的正宗Coppa di Parma 豬肉冷切。翁貝托·博斯基(Umberto Boschi)
The Coppa di Parma PGI is one of the Cavalier region’s prime deli meats.
Coppa di Parma PGI 是騎士地區主要的熟食肉類之一
The cuts of meat used in the production of Coppa di Parma PGI belong to the muscular portion of the neck of highly selected pigs, with a minimum age of nine months and an average weight of 160 kg (plus or minus 10%). The salt, together with the other ingredients such as spices and pepper, is applied with the dry salting method. This salting technique is the best one to give the product a long aging and the best organoleptic qualities.
生產(Coppa di Parma)PGI 所用的肉塊屬於精選豬的頸部肌肉部分,最小年齡為9個月,平均體重為160公斤(正負10%)。鹽與其他成分(如香料和胡椒粉)一起通過乾鹽醃製方法施用。這種鹽醃技術是使產品具有較長的老化時間和最佳感官品質的最佳方法
The wonderful fragrances of "cured" and cave prepare to the tasting of a meat characterized by a round, typical, perfect taste.
Approximately 20 pieces per serving
Keep refrigerated. To consume in max 48 hours after sliced.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
Authentic Salami Milano pork cold-cut - The Italian Legacy
正宗的薩拉米米蘭豬肉冷切 - 意大利的傳統
Salame Milano is an exquisite salami which is made in the Milan area of northern Italy. It is in fact Italy’s favorite salami. Only the best lean and fat Italian pork is used.
The meat is seasoned with salt, garlic, broken black peppercorns and ground white pepper. Slices are a light ruby red color with a well-defined harmonious aroma and mild delicate flavor. Great for antipasti or served with all sorts of cheeses. Delicious in a salad or on a sandwich or pizza.
Approximately 15-18 pieces per serving
Shelf Life: 3 days after sliced. Keep Refrigerated
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
Vacuum packed 真空包裝

Authentic Italian** Ham DOP aged 18 month Freshly Sliced
Family goodness
It takes 18 months and all the Ferrari family’s expertise and experience to create an Etichetta Nera Riserva, prosciutto, soundly established as a top quality product, appreciated in Italy and abroad.
Basic Ingredient
Fresh haunch of Italian pig, selected for traditional processing
Rigorous meat selection on arrival; meticulous manual salting; cellars aired by pure mountain air
Minimum 18 months
Drape Ham slices around fresh figs or melon slices. Or try other fruits with complementary flavors, such as ripe pears. To create an elegant salad, top mixed greens with slivers of Ham and curls of Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Shelf Life: 3 days after sliced. Keep Refrigerated
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
Approximately 5-6 pieces per serving
Keep refrigerated. To consume in max 48 hours after open.
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Typical from the region, Calabria, it comes from pork, usually the leanest, to which fat and chilli are added to make it spicy. It's delicious as part of an appetizer spread alongside bread and cheese, tossed in a chopped salad or layered atop pizza. The color is reddish, the grinding is big and uneven. Aging needs at least 60 days.
Approximately 30pieces per serving
Shelf Life: 3 days after sliced. Keep Refrigerated
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
Vacuum packed 真空包裝

Authentic Mortadella Emilia IGP pork cold cut produced by Leoncini Salumi - 100 Grams
Leoncini Salumi 生產的正宗 Mortadella Emilia IGP 豬肉冷切 - 100克
Mortadella Emilia IGP - All the traditional flavors of Emilia.
Extreme care in the selection of the meat, expertly balanced ingredients and passion for high-quality products. The minced pork meat is mixed with high-quality pig fat and seasoned with a blend of spices, then stuffed into casing and slow cooked to create mortadella. Fragrant with the typical intense pink color.
Mortadella Emilia IGP - 艾米利亞的所有傳統風味。
Bologna’s mortadella is smooth, soft, and slightly spicy, with a delicate sweetness. Thinly sliced or cut into cubes like ham, it is a common sight on antipasto plates.
Approximately 5-6 pieces per serving
Keep refrigerated. To consume in max 48 hours after sliced.
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Authentic Guanciale from Amatrice - 100 Grams
來自Amatrice的正宗Guanciale - 100克
Cured pork cheek for your own Carbonara with authentic Italian ingredients. Sliced or whole piece. Better than Pancetta and Bacon for your authentic Italian pasta.
In the Central Apennine, in a beautiful green valley between the Monti della Laga and the Sibillini Mountains National Parks, is located the SANO factory. In this area rich in nature and traditions, the company has found an ideal habitat for the production of hams, sausages and typical regional specialties.
SANO 工廠位於亞平寧中部,在Monti della Laga 和 Sibillini 山國家公園之間美麗的綠色山谷中。在這個擁有豐富自然和傳統的地區,該公司為生產火腿,香腸和典型的地方特色菜找到了理想的棲息地
THE GUANCIALE AMATRICIANO ( PORK CHEEK) , indispensable for the famous Amatriciana pasta, is obtained from the cheeks and throat of the pig, salted and seasoned with spices well before moving on to the drying stage. Removed from the salt, drained and tied with string, the Guanciale is left to be seasoned with pepper, a touch that enhances its flavor and gives it character without altering the taste. The aging process lasts a period of three months.
著名的Amatriciana意大利麵必不可少的GUANCIALE AMATRICIANO 豬肉面頰是從豬的臉頰和喉嚨獲得的,醃製並用香料調味後才能進入乾燥階段。除去鹽分後,瀝乾水分並用繩子捆起來,關瓜葉菜還可以加胡椒粉調味,這種觸感可以增強其風味,並在不改變口味的情況下賦予其特色。老化過程持續三個月
Shelf life: 3 days after sliced
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Authentic Bresaola Valtellina IGP cold cut made with 100% Italian beef - 100 Grams
用100%意大利牛肉製成的地道Bresaola Valtellina IGP 冷切肉 - 100克
A typical and exclusive speciality of Valtellina, northern Italy’s Lombardy region.
Made from the careful selection and trimming of the best rigorously selected curing prime quality beef leg muscle. Low in fat, easy to digest and rich in proteins, iron and mineral salts. It is lean and tender, with a sweet, musty smell; which can be integrated by associating the bresaola with bread, flakes of parmesan and a few drops of lemon juice.
Approximately 12-14 pieces per serving
Keep refrigerated. To consume in max 48 hours after sliced.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
Wine Pairing: Lambrusco dell’Emilia 'Nebbia e Sabbia' IGT, Podere Crocetta Zibello
葡萄酒搭配:Lambrusco dell’Emilia 'Nebbia e Sabbia' IGT, Podere Crocetta Zibello
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Finocchiona IGP - one of the most famous and celebrated cured meats in Tuscany.
Recognized by the IGP mark, the production of Finocchiona is strictly regulated, using only high quality pork raised in Italy.
The traditional methods of production of our famous salami with fennel are deeply intertwined with Tuscany itself and have also been appreciated by members of the Medici family and by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Its origins date back to the Middle Ages, when farmers replaced the expensive and rare black pepper with fennel seeds, perfect for flavoring meat.
The ingredients of this Tuscan salami, are salt, black pepper, garlic and red wine. It is during the aging that all the unique flavors of Finocchiona PGI develop, creating intense notes of salt, fennel and spices.
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算

Authentic Culatello From Zibello, Modena. The King of Italian Cold Cuts.
The Culatello di Zibello DOP Gualerzi is a salami with a protected designation of origin - DOP, typical of the municipality of Zibello. The Culatello of Parma is defined the king of meats. The Zibello DOP culatello can only be produced between the months of October and February, when the cold winter and above all the fog is present in the low plain. The typical humid climate has made since ancient difficult curing of the whole of the pig thigh is for this reason that the culatello is boned and ripened into smaller sizes. It presents characteristic pear shape with a minimum weight of 4 kg. After the baking season, seasoning is carried out in special wineries for at least 12 months.
Culatello di Zibello DOP Gualerzi 是一種薩拉米火腿,其原產地標記為DOP,是Zibello市的典型代表。帕爾馬的Culatello被定義為肉類之王。 Zibello DOP culatello只能在10月到2月之間生產,那時低寒的冬季尤其是低平原上存在霧。自古以來就很難固化整個豬大腿,這就是典型的潮濕氣候,因為這個原因,Culatello 被去骨並成熟成較小的尺寸。它具有特徵性的梨形,最小重量為4 kg。烘烤季節結束後,在特殊的釀酒廠中進行調味至少12個月
Approximately 8-10 pieces per serving
Keep refrigerated. To consume in max 48 hours after sliced.
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
Wine Pairing: Fortana del Taro 'Nebbia e Sabbia' IGT, Podere Crocetta Zibello
葡萄酒搭配:Fortana del Taro 'Nebbia e Sabbia' IGT, Podere Crocetta Zibello
To learn more about our Italian Artisan Wines selection, visit "Wine Special Promotion"

Italian Ham DOP Aged 24 Months 100g +
Burrata La Deliziosa 150g
HK$ 98
The Perfect Match That Fixes Your Dinner
Flavored turkey breast, hand-tied, roasted in the oven. The ancient processing makes the characteristics of the rump perfectly perceptible.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
The truffle salami is made starting from the ham meat salami to which the summer truffle is added in the last phase of processing.
Black truffle gives this salami its hostile aromatic taste, it can be tasted in a thousand different ways.
Shelf life vacuum pack 30 days from slicing, 3 days after opened.
Keep Refrigerated.
Produced from Salumificio Sorrentino, Chieti - Umbria Region.
Nduja spicy cold cut from Calabria. 1 Piece - 550 Grams
Nduja卡拉布里亞的辣冷切肉。1件 - 550克
'Nduja is a soft, spreadable fermented pork salume, spiked with fiery Calabrian chilies. It originated in Spilinga, a Calabrian municipality with a population in the low thousands.
In addition to fatty cuts of pork from the belly and back, 'nduja also contained organ meat such as lungs.
Though modern 'nduja-makers might include other ingredients, at its simplest 'nduja contains little more than ground pork, salt, and a mouth-numbingly spicy dose of Calabrian chilies, which gives the salume its signature red glow. Perfectly integrate on pasta, bruschetta and pizza.
Size of about 220gr, vacuum packed to guarantee the best quality
From Salumificio Rosotta in Campania, the most tasteful cold cuts perfect to melt on a slice of bread or to boost your burgers and pastas.
從坎帕尼亞(Campania)的Salumificio Rosotta,最有品味的冷盤非常適合融化在一片阿爾塔穆拉麵包 或增加漢堡和麵食的質量
Lard is a cut of pork meat, the fat part of the lard with thin rind. It is a product derived from Italian heavy pork. It is flavored and placed in special tanks, after a period of salting and absorption of the spices it is vacuum packed in Italy and shipped to Hong Kong.
Its taste is rich, complex, mouthwatering. Able to add value on everything you add it.
Choose whole piece for pasta and barbecue or thinly sliced to top your bruschetta or toasted bread.
Approximately 18-20 pieces per serving
Keep refrigerated. To consume in max 7 days after received and kept in its packaging.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Salame Felino IGP - Sliced 100g or Whole piece 600g
Introducing Salame Felino, a delicious Italian cured meat hailing from the Emilia-Romagna region. This exquisite salami is crafted using a traditional recipe that dates back centuries. It is made from select cuts of pork, carefully seasoned with a blend of aromatic herbs and spices.
Our Salame Felino is available in two options to suit your preferences. You can choose between sliced portions weighing 100 grams, perfect for convenient snacking or crafting charcuterie boards. Alternatively, you can opt for a whole piece weighing around 600 grams, allowing you to savor the entire salami at your own pace.
With its rich flavor and smooth texture, Salame Felino is a versatile delicacy that can be enjoyed on its own, paired with cheeses, or incorporated into your favorite recipes. Elevate your culinary experience with this authentic Italian delight and savor the taste of Emilia-Romagna's finest salami.
Shelf life: 3 days after sliced
Authentic Parma Ham DOP aged 24 month
Whole Leg Deboned 8kg Approximately (+/- 10%)
After 24 months the result is a flavorful, rich and unique Ham. Its distinctive sweet and balanced taste is achieved thanks to the producer’s craftsmanship who cures the meat in a strict procedure, and to the sea winds that as they reach the mountain valleys they lose their saltiness and acquire a rich fragrance of chestnut groves. Slightly salty, sweet and umami for the thin layer of fat. Produced Naturally and with no preservatives.
Drape Ham slices around fresh figs or melon slices. Or try other fruits with complementary flavors, such as ripe pears. To create an elegant salad, top mixed greens with slivers of Parma Ham and curls of Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Approximately 8kg +/- 10% Due to natural weight loss
Free of additives such as nitrates and nitrites
Shelf Life: 1 Year. Keep Refrigerated