Vegetables and fresh fruit every day with The Italian Club Supermarket. Locally sourced from the best professional and certified suppliers.
Choose your favorite for a salad, a side or your own minestrone.
Fresh Rocket Salad. 100 grams
Approximately 16-18 pieces per serving
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
澳大利亞新鮮菠菜葉 100克
Champignon or "white button" mushroom is the most popular cultivated mushroom. With their mild taste and firm texture, champignon mushrooms are a favorite for gravies, sauces, cream soups, stir-fry recipes, pasta or rice dishes and casseroles.
Approximately 4-5 pieces per serving
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not come as one entire piece
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以原件到貨
Fresh Red and Yellow Pepper
Weight: 180/200g Approximately depending on the season
Fresh Zucchini. 400 grams
Approximately 3-4 pieces per serving
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not be calculated in quantity
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以數量計算
新鮮洋薊 200克
Approximately 2-3 pieces per serving
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not come as one entire piece
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以原件到貨
Fresh Orange. Approximately 200 grams each.
新鮮蘆筍 200克
Approximately 5-6 pieces per serving
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not come as one entire piece
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以原件到貨
新鮮西蘭花 200克
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not come as one entire piece
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以原件到貨
Local Source Fresh Lettuce. Gr. 400
Fresh Red Onions. 1 Piece - about 350 Grams
Fresh Strawberries. 100 grams. Imported AUS/NZ/US
100 grams of pine nuts.
新鮮茄子 300克
Approximately 1 pieces per serving
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not come as one entire piece
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以原件到貨
Fresh Blueberries. 100 grams.
新鮮藍莓。 100克
Imported AUS/ NZ/ US
澳洲/ 新西蘭/ 美國 進口
Fresh Red Hot Chili from Thailand - 100 Grams
Fresh Mango. Approximately 200/220 grams each. From Thailand.
Fresh Carrot. Gr. 500
Approximately 1 piece per serving
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not come as one entire piece
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以原件到貨