With more variety than any other country in the world, Italian cheeses are extremely appreciated from all the people of all ages
Authentic Burrata Cheese IGP from Puglia. Freshly delivered weekly.
Burrata di Andria IGP is a fresh Italian cow or buffalo milk cheese made from mozzarella and cream. The outer shell is solid mozzarella, while the inside contains stracciatella and cream, giving it an unusual, soft texture.
Burrata di Andria IGP 是由馬蘇里拉奶酪和奶油製成的新鮮意大利牛或水牛牛奶奶酪。外殼是堅固的馬蘇里拉奶酪,而內部則包含葡萄球菌和奶油,使其具有不尋常的柔軟質感
Net Weight: Gr. 125 - Single Pack - 1 Piece
淨重:125克 - 單包 - 1件
Expiring Date stated on original package.
Want to know more about Caseificio Montrone, their unique products and visit them in their region in Italy? Contact them directly http://montrone.net
想更多地了解Caseificio Montrone,他們的獨特產品並在意大利地區訪問他們?直接與他們聯繫http://montrone.net
100% Italian Cow Milk Mozzarella from Franciacorta.
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed before: expiring date on original package.
Shelf-life: Refer to the package
想更多地了解Caseificio delle Rose,他們的獨特產品並在意大利地區訪問他們?直接與他們聯繫https://caseificiodellerose.it/
Authentic Buffalo Mozzarella DOP from Campania. Weekly delivered from the Province of Naples.
Its majestic the Mozzarella of Buffalo Milk from Campania DOP, produced by Caseificio delle Rose, an amazing and unique artisan producer appreciated for its traditional and genuine diary products.
高貴的的坎帕尼亞DOP水牛牛奶芝士,由Caseificio delle Rose生產,這是一家令人驚嘆的獨特手工藝品生產商,因其傳統和純正的奶產品而受到讚賞
Net Weight: 250 Grams (2 Pieces x 125 Grams)
淨重:250克(2件 x 125克)
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 72 hours.
Shelf-life: Refer to the package
Want to know more about Caseificio delle Rose, their unique products and visit them in their region in Italy? Contact them directly https://caseificiodellerose.it/
想更多地了解Caseificio delle Rose,他們的獨特產品並在意大利地區訪問他們?直接與他們聯繫https://caseificiodellerose.it/
Authentic Parmgiano reggiano DOP Cheese from Emilia Romagna.
來自艾米莉亞·羅馬涅艾米莉亞·羅馬涅(Emilia Romagna)的正宗帕馬森芝士
Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is known as the king of cheese throughout Italy, one of Italy's finest products. Cheese produced only in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, and Bologna to the west of the Reno River and Mantua to the east of the Po River which are assigned the D.O.P tag.
Parmigiano Reggiano 奶酪被譽為整個意大利奶酪之王,是意大利最好的產品之一。僅在雷諾河以西的帕爾馬,雷焦艾米利亞,摩德納和博洛尼亞省和波河以東的曼托瓦省生產的奶酪帶有D.O.P標籤
Parmigiano Reggiano DOP is aged for 24 months to create a perfectly sharp, nutty and savory flavor, as well as a finely grainy texture. It is good for the fullness and delicacy of flavor as it can be eaten alone or, instead, with its distinctive aroma, it is delicious to grate over pasta, rice, soup or tomato dishes and salads. Enjoy it also with crackers, honey, fruits and robust red wine.
帕瑪森(Parmigiano Reggiano)DOP熟化24個月,以產生完美鮮明的堅果和鹹味,以及細顆粒感。它既可以單獨食用,又可以散發出獨特的香氣,可與意大利面,米飯,湯,番茄或沙拉等蔬菜一起食用,味道鮮美。也可搭配薄脆餅乾,蜂蜜,水果和醇厚的紅酒享受
Optional grated or full piece (can be more than one piece, total 100g)
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 7 days.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Authentic Pecorino Romano DOP Cheese from Sardinia - Seasoned minimum 6 months aging
撒丁島的正宗Pecorino Romano DOP 奶酪 - 熟成至少6個月時間
Pecorino Romano DOP is a salty and spicy Italian cheese, made from sheep’s milk and originating in Sardinia, Lazio and Tuscany. Pecorino Romano DOP is one of the most ancient Italian cheese and it dates back to the Roman times, when it is said that it was the food of soldiers at war.
Pecorino Romano DOP 是一種咸而辛辣的意大利奶酪,以羊奶製成,起源於撒丁島,拉齊奧和托斯卡納。 Pecorino Romano DOP 是最古老的意大利奶酪之一,它可以追溯到羅馬時代,據說它是戰爭中士兵的食物
Pecorino Romano DOP cheese has a hard texture and a sharp and salty flavor. An excellent grating cheese over pasta and bread, or paired it with a glass of Italian red wine. Pecorino Romano DOP shows smooth white with a hard rind coated in oil. At Alifood, we offer only strict selected and certificated DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) Pecorino Romano.
Pecorino Romano DOP 奶酪質地堅硬,風味濃郁而咸。一種出色的奶酪,可用於通心粉和麵包,或與一杯意大利紅酒搭配。 Pecorino Romano DOP 顯示出光滑的白色,表面塗有硬油。在Alifood,我們僅提供經過嚴格選擇和認證的Pecorino Romano DOP(受保護的原產地標記)
Optional grated or full piece
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 48 hours.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Fresh Italian Butter from Val di Non, in the Trentino Alto Adige region on the Alps.
來自Val di Non的新鮮意大利牛油,位於阿爾卑斯山的Trentino Alto Adige地區
100 grams. 100克
Keep refrigerated and consume in max 3 days.
Please note: Each serving is base on grams, items may not come as one entire piece
請注意: 每份都是以克為基礎,產品可能不會以原件到貨
Made with 100% cow milk from Piedmont, loyalty to the traditional recipe and wholesome production are the ingredients that make Tomino del Boscaiolo a unique cheese. It can be recognized by its soft, compact consistency and the ripening that makes it sweet and slightly piquant to the taste.
Tomino del Boscaiolo 的成分是用皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)的100%牛奶製成,對傳統食譜的忠誠度和有益健康的生產是其獨特的奶酪。它的柔軟,緻密的稠度以及使其變得甜而不膩的成熟感得到了認可
This cheese is delightful grilled or sautéed; the edible bloomy rind keeps the melted interior together. Sweet flavor, excellent wrapped in a slice of speck or pancetta.
Net Weight: 90 Grams - This product is calculated as a single piece
淨重:90克 - 此貨品以單件計算
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 48 hours.
Authentic Grana Padano DOP Cheese.
正宗的Grana Padano DOP 奶酪
Grana Padano, granted DOP on 12 June 1996, is one of the few cheeses that can possibly compete with the King of Cheeses; Parmigiano-Reggiano. Created by the Cistercian monks of Chiaravalle in the 12th century, it is still made throughout the Po River Valley in northeastern Italy.
Grana Padano於1996年6月12日獲得DOP許可,是為數不多的可以與奶酪之王競爭的奶酪之一。帕馬森(Parmigiano-Reggiano)。它是由基亞拉瓦萊的西多會修道士於12世紀創建的,至今仍在意大利東北部的波河山谷中製作
This cheese is made from 100% pasteurized, semi-skimmed cow’s milk from two milking and generally aged for two years. At the end of the cheese making process, Grana Padano develops a firm, thick and deeply straw-colored rind protecting the fragrant, dry, flaking interior. Grana means “grainy” in Italian which is reflected in the fine granular texture with an intensely sweet flavor. As Grana Padano ages, the flavors become pronounced, savory and complex.
這種奶酪由兩次擠奶過程中經過100%巴氏殺菌的半脫脂牛奶製成,通常陳化兩年。在奶酪製作過程的最後,Grana Padano 開發出堅硬,厚實和深稻草色的外皮,以保護芳香,乾,片狀的內部。格蘭納(Grana)在意大利語中意為“粒狀”,體現在細顆粒狀質地中,帶有強烈的甜味。隨著Grana Padano 的陳年,口味變得明顯,咸而復雜
Grana Padano DOP is sweet and nutty with aromas of butter and hay, crumbly and crystalline. Enjoy the cheese on its own or paired with earthy and intense Italian prosciutto, fruit, and honey.
Grana Padano DOP 香甜可口,帶有牛油和乾草的香氣,晶形鬆碎。可以單獨享用奶酪,也可以搭配土質濃郁的意大利火腿,水果和蜂蜜搭配
Optional grated or full piece
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 48 hours.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Authentic Gorgonzola DOP is an Italian blue-veined cheese produced in the Italian regions of Lombardy and Piedmont.
Gorgonzola DOP 是在意大利倫巴第和皮埃蒙特地區生產的意大利藍紋奶酪
Gorgonzola DOP is a soft cheese, it has a pale yellow, buttery and melty paste speckled with a homogeneous distribution of blue and green veins due to the marbling process, produced with pasteurized cow's milk. The rind is compact, rough, hard and grey/pinkish in color but not edible. It takes a minimum of 45 days ageing to let Gorgonzola demonstrate its unique characteristics. The flavor varies from sweet to slightly spicy to very spicy depending on age, with notes of sour cream and lactic tang. The cheese is rich and fat in the mouth, and the flavor, a curious blend of sweet and spicy, is definitely addictive.
Gorgonzola DOP 是一種軟奶酪,它具有淡黃色,黃油狀和熔融狀的糊狀斑點,由於經過大理石花紋加工而成並具有均勻分佈的藍色和綠色紋理,是用巴氏消毒的牛奶製成的。皮是緻密,粗糙,堅硬和灰色/粉紅色的,但不能食用。Gorgonzola至少需要經過45天的熟成,才能展示其獨特的特性。口味從甜到微辣到非常辣,取決於其陳年時間,帶有酸味和乳酸味。奶酪的口感濃郁而肥膩,其甜味和辛辣味的奇妙混合絕對令人上癮
Gorgonzola DOP perfect for a wide range of culinary pursuits. Spread it on fresh crusty rye bread with a dollop of flavorful fruit preserves, swirl it into soups for added creaminess and a hint of that blue taste, celery stalks dip or simply serve it alongside fresh figs and honey for a celebration of its sweet flavor.
Gorgonzola DOP 非常適合各種美食。將其塗在新鮮的硬皮黑麥麵包上,並帶有一團可口的水果罐頭,將其打成湯以增加奶油味和淡淡的藍色味,芹菜桿蘸醬或僅與新鮮的無花果和蜂蜜一起食用即可頌揚其甜味
Suggest to consume within three days to maintain its best quality
Vacuum packed 真空包裝

Italian Ham DOP Aged 24 Months 100g +
Burrata La Deliziosa 150g
HK$ 98
The Perfect Match That Fixes Your Dinner
This Brie cheese offers a creamy, smooth texture with a delicate, mild flavor. Perfect for pairing with fruits, nuts, and crackers, it brings a luxurious touch to any charcuterie board.
這款布里乳酪具有奶油般光滑的質地,具有細膩、溫和的味道。 非常適合與水果、堅果和餅乾搭配,它為任何熟食板帶來奢華的觸感。
Suggest to consume within three days to maintain its best quality
Aged Pecorino Toscano PDO is produced exclusively with sheep's milk from Tuscan pastures, according to an ancient tradition. Professionalism, respect for raw materials and the Tuscan dairy tradition, give life to a pecorino of inimitable quality.
It is characterized by a sweet and balanced flavor, not too savory or spicy, due to the use of veal rennet and the salting which lasts for a shorter period than other cheeses of the same type.
Aged cheeses has a golden crust, a firm texture and a nutty flavor. It goes particularly well with pears, figs, honey and jams.
Authentic Montasio Cheese DOP - Fior Di Maso Latterie Venete 1887 - Seasoned minimum 2 months aging
正宗蒙塔西奧奶酪DOP-Fior Di Maso Latterie Venete 1887 - 熟成至少2個月時間
The Taste of Dolce Vita, producers of cheese. The passion for milk and its products has guided the people of one of the most prestigious and important Italian dairy companies every day in the creation of its extraordinary cheeses that have made their land famous all over the world.
奶酪生產商Dolce Vita的味道。對牛奶及其產品的熱情每天引導著意大利最負盛名和最重要的乳製品公司之一的人們創造其非凡的奶酪,使他們的土地享譽全球
The most famous cheese originating from the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto provinces of Italy. It is made from cow's milk that must meet the strict standards to be regulated especially compared to the bacteria content. Texture is semi-hard, yellow paste with rare holes. Taste sweet with traces of spices which are more or less intense according to the length of ripening.
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 48 hours.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Authentic Mascarpone Cheese weekly delivered fresh from Italy.
Originating in Italy, mascarpone is a mild and creamy fresh cheese with a consistency similar to soft butter or thick crème fraîche made by pasteurized cow milk cream. It is coagulated by the addition of acidic substances such as lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid added to thicken it.
Mascarpone 起源於意大利,是一種溫和而乳脂狀的新鮮奶酪,其稠度類似於巴氏消毒過的牛奶奶油製成的軟黃油或濃稠的法式奶油。通過添加酸性物質(例如檸檬汁,醋或檸檬酸)使之凝結,從而使其凝結
Mascarpone is a naturally sweet, yet surprisingly light cheese. With its soft, creamy texture spreads with ease and blends well with other ingredients. Excellent for making dessert such as Tiramisu as its part of the main ingredient.
Mascarpone 是一種天然甜味,但出人意料的清淡奶酪。質地柔軟,乳脂狀,易於塗抹,可與其他成分很好地融合。非常適合製作提拉米蘇這樣的甜點作為其主要成分的一部分
Net Weight: 500 ML - One Item in Original Package
淨重:500克 - 一件原包裝
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 72 hours.
Shelf-life: Refer to the package
from Caseificio Lupica in Catania - Sicily
Primo Sale is the cheese that best represents Sicily and all the influences given by its position in the centre of Mediterranean Sea, place of cultural and gastronomical exchange since Egyptians and Romans.
Shop Italian Fassona Beef Burger "Giotto" by La Granda HERE.
After opening vacuum pack we suggest to consume within 7 days to maintain its best quality.
1000ml cream suitable for whipping and cooking from Virgilio.
With 36% Fat content, It is the ideal solution in pastry for decorations and fillings. It has a compact structure, excellent hold and stability and the absence of syneresis (the release of water from a gelatinous substance).Virgilio Cream UHT is characterized by a full flavour and an intense taste and finds its perfect application in the creation of mousses, Bavarians and semifreddo.
Storage: Keep in a cool place (If possible, at a temperature below 10°). Once the container is opened, refrigerate and use within 3-4 days.
Val d'Aosta 的正宗Fontina 奶酪DOP
Fontina DOP is a classic Italian cheese made in the northern region of Valle d’Aosta since the 12th century. The texture and flavour of Fontina depends on how long it has been aged. The texture can vary from semi-soft to firm and the flavours from mild and rich to more robust and overpowering, typically, Fontina DOP is aged for 90 days. Made from 100% pasteurized cow's milk. Texture is creamy, dense, firm, smooth and supple.
Fontina DOP 是自12世紀以來在瓦萊達奧斯塔北部地區生產的經典意大利奶酪。 Fontina 的質地和風味取決於其陳年時間。質地可以從半軟變硬,從中度到濃郁到更健壯和壓倒風味,通常,Fontina DOP會陳化90天。由100%巴氏殺菌的牛奶製成。質地乳脂狀,緻密,緊實,光滑和柔軟
Fontina can be served in many different ways, generally, in Northern Italy it is eaten alone or with a slice of white bread. Nebbiolo, red wine with wild cherry and truffles is a match for Fontina.
Fontina 可以通過多種方式提供,通常,在意大利北部,可以單獨食用或與一片白麵包一起食用。 Nebbiolo,紅酒配野櫻桃和松露是Fontina的搭配
Suggest to consume within three days to maintain its best quality
FIor di Maso is a regional artisanal cheese from Veneto.
FIor di Maso 是威尼托(Veneto)的地方手工奶酪
Asiago is a delicate cheese made with semi-cooked cow's milk, produced only on the Asiago plateau in the Veneto foothills in Italy. Its short ripening allows us to taste the freshness of milk of mountain.
The peculiarity of this cheese is the sweet taste of milk. The external rind, slightly convex, hides an internal, soft, pale yellow-colored paste with a diffuse and uniform holes. The longer ripening than Asiago Frescomaso, gives it more taste, with slightly spicy aftertaste. It’s perfect as appetizer with cold cuts, in a sandwich or melted in a burger.
這種奶酪的獨特之處在於牛奶的甜味。外表皮略微凸出,遮蓋了內部柔軟,淺黃色的糊狀物,其上散佈著均勻的孔。成熟度比Asiago Frescomaso 更長,賦予其更多的味道,餘味略帶辛辣,非常適合搭配冷盤作前菜,三文治或融合於漢堡上
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 48 hours.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝