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Do you need the recipe? Here we go!
Here the list of ingredients you need for 2 portions.
Our Pesto sauce is home-made everyday with the authentic recipe.
Made from fresh herbs like basil, ripened Pecorino Romano cheese, pine nuts, and a good quality olive oil.
Homemade pesto is infinitely more tasty than store-bought varieties. With this classic, simple pesto sauce in your fridge is always a life saver for those busy weeknights. A great change from red sauce to top your pasta. Originating in Genoa, the capital city of Liguria, Italy.
Net Weight: 300 Grams - Ideal for 2 servings of 100 grams of pasta, Vacuum packed
淨重:300克 - 2份100克意大利麵的理想份量, 真空包裝
Keep Refrigerated. To consume within 48 Hours
Looking for pasta? 尋找麵食?
Click HERE to check on our Italian authentic pasta selections for your very own home cooking recipe, flexible to your situation or preferences.
點擊 此處,查閱我們正宗意大利的麵食選擇以打造出自己的食譜,可根據您的情況或喜好靈活選擇
Authentic Parmgiano reggiano DOP Cheese from Emilia Romagna.
來自艾米莉亞·羅馬涅艾米莉亞·羅馬涅(Emilia Romagna)的正宗帕馬森芝士
Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is known as the king of cheese throughout Italy, one of Italy's finest products. Cheese produced only in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, and Bologna to the west of the Reno River and Mantua to the east of the Po River which are assigned the D.O.P tag.
Parmigiano Reggiano 奶酪被譽為整個意大利奶酪之王,是意大利最好的產品之一。僅在雷諾河以西的帕爾馬,雷焦艾米利亞,摩德納和博洛尼亞省和波河以東的曼托瓦省生產的奶酪帶有D.O.P標籤
Parmigiano Reggiano DOP is aged for 24 months to create a perfectly sharp, nutty and savory flavor, as well as a finely grainy texture. It is good for the fullness and delicacy of flavor as it can be eaten alone or, instead, with its distinctive aroma, it is delicious to grate over pasta, rice, soup or tomato dishes and salads. Enjoy it also with crackers, honey, fruits and robust red wine.
帕瑪森(Parmigiano Reggiano)DOP熟化24個月,以產生完美鮮明的堅果和鹹味,以及細顆粒感。它既可以單獨食用,又可以散發出獨特的香氣,可與意大利面,米飯,湯,番茄或沙拉等蔬菜一起食用,味道鮮美。也可搭配薄脆餅乾,蜂蜜,水果和醇厚的紅酒享受
Optional grated or full piece (can be more than one piece, total 100g)
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 7 days.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
Authentic Pecorino Romano DOP Cheese from Sardinia - Seasoned minimum 6 months aging
撒丁島的正宗Pecorino Romano DOP 奶酪 - 熟成至少6個月時間
Pecorino Romano DOP is a salty and spicy Italian cheese, made from sheep’s milk and originating in Sardinia, Lazio and Tuscany. Pecorino Romano DOP is one of the most ancient Italian cheese and it dates back to the Roman times, when it is said that it was the food of soldiers at war.
Pecorino Romano DOP 是一種咸而辛辣的意大利奶酪,以羊奶製成,起源於撒丁島,拉齊奧和托斯卡納。 Pecorino Romano DOP 是最古老的意大利奶酪之一,它可以追溯到羅馬時代,據說它是戰爭中士兵的食物
Pecorino Romano DOP cheese has a hard texture and a sharp and salty flavor. An excellent grating cheese over pasta and bread, or paired it with a glass of Italian red wine. Pecorino Romano DOP shows smooth white with a hard rind coated in oil. At Alifood, we offer only strict selected and certificated DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) Pecorino Romano.
Pecorino Romano DOP 奶酪質地堅硬,風味濃郁而咸。一種出色的奶酪,可用於通心粉和麵包,或與一杯意大利紅酒搭配。 Pecorino Romano DOP 顯示出光滑的白色,表面塗有硬油。在Alifood,我們僅提供經過嚴格選擇和認證的Pecorino Romano DOP(受保護的原產地標記)
Optional grated or full piece
Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 48 hours.
Vacuum packed 真空包裝
100 grams of pine nuts.

Few ingredients simples and selected, like the flour of strong grana, the egg and the flour of soft wheat that give at our pasta that delicate perfume of egg and that unmistakable lively and intense color.
250 grams. Keep refrigerated
2kg Pesto Sauce Home Made
Shop our products in bulk to get the best offer
Our Pesto sauce is home-made everyday with the authentic recipe.
Made from fresh herbs like basil, ripened Pecorino Romano cheese, pine nuts, and a good quality olive oil.
Homemade pesto is infinitely more tasty than store-bought varieties. With this classic, simple pesto sauce in your fridge is always a life saver for those busy weeknights. A great change from red sauce to top your pasta. Originating in Genoa, the capital city of Liguria, Italy.
Luglio 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 5 Liters Bottle
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most fundamental cornerstone of the Italian diet, honoured by UNESCO’s world heritage acknowledgement. Luglio extra virgin olive oil is obtained from the first pressing of olives, harvested at the right stage of maturation.
Peranzana 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 5 Liters - Bag in Box
• Oil with a medium fruity taste, f or those who love oil with a sweet taste and delicate fragrance
• Olive harvest: 2023 / 2024
• 100% Italian olives
• Innovative packaging that ensures perfect preservation of the oil’s organoleptic qualities. It’s an oil container made from a cardboard box containing a vacuum-sealed bag, which compresses as the oil is dispensed, equipped with a drip-proof tap and a valve that prevents air from entering, ensuring a perfect seal.
Technical Sheet:
Ingredients: Extra virgin olive oil
Nutritional Information (average values per 100ml):
Energy value: 824 Kcal / 3389 Kj
Fats: 92g, of which Saturated: 13g
Carbohydrates: 0g, of which Sugars: 0g
Proteins: 0g
Salt: 0g
Olive Origin: Italy
Olive Variety: 100% Peranzana
Harvest Period: October – November
Filtered: Yes
Maximum Acidity: 0.2%
Type: Monocultivar
Extraction Method: Continuous mill, cold-pressed at 25°C
Crushing: Within 4 hours of harvest
Storage: Store in a cool, dark place, away from light and heat sources
Expiration Date: 18 months from packaging date
Packaging: Bag in box (5 Liters)
Coratina 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 5 Liters - Bag in Box
• Exclusively made from Coratina olives: for those looking for extra virgin olive oil with a characteristic intense and fruity flavor, made only from Coratina olives, with a slightly bitter aftertaste and a pleasant final spiciness.
• Voted the best Italian extra virgin olive oil in 2020 in the international WREVOO ranking.
• New oil obtained from the current olive harvest: 2023 / 2024.
• 100% Italian olives, harvested while still very green (those that yield less oil but are more exquisite) from our local olive groves and pressed within 4 hours of picking.
• Acidity value: less than 0.2%. Well below the 0.8% limit imposed by law for extra virgin olive oils.
• Innovative packaging that ensures perfect preservation of the oil’s organoleptic qualities. It’s an oil container made from a cardboard box containing a vacuum-sealed bag, which compresses as the oil is dispensed, equipped with a drip-proof tap and a valve that prevents air from entering, ensuring a perfect seal.
• It’s a handcrafted oil produced sustainably, with only a few thousand bottles produced per year, not hundreds of thousands.
Technical Sheet
Ingredients: High-quality extra virgin olive oil
Nutritional Information (average values per 100ml):
Energy value: 821 Kcal / 3374 Kj
Fats: 94g, of which Saturated: 14g
Carbohydrates: 0g, of which Sugars: 0g
Proteins: 0g
Salt: 0g
Origin: 100% Italy
Guarantee: 100% Italian product from a controlled supply chain
Production Year: Olive harvest 2023 / 2024
Olive Harvest Period: October / November
Extraction Method: Cold continuous cycle
Storage: Stainless steel silos at controlled temperature
Maximum Acidity: 0.2%
Type: Monovarietal / Monocultivar
Olive Variety: Coratina
Filtered: Yes
Fruity aroma: Intense
Bitter/spicy taste: Intense
Packaging: Bag in box (5 Liters)
Expiration Date: 18 months from packaging date
Crushing: Within 4 hours of harvest
Storage: Store in a cool, dark place, away from light and heat sources