Pecorino Romano DOP - 100g

Regular price $43.31 Sale price $34.65

Authentic Pecorino Romano DOP Cheese from Sardinia - Seasoned minimum 6 months aging
撒丁島的正宗Pecorino Romano DOP 奶酪 - 熟成至少6個月時間

Pecorino Romano DOP is a salty and spicy Italian cheese, made from sheep’s milk and originating in Sardinia, Lazio and Tuscany. Pecorino Romano DOP is one of the most ancient Italian cheese and it dates back to the Roman times, when it is said that it was the food of soldiers at war.
Pecorino Romano DOP 是一種咸而辛辣的意大利奶酪,以羊奶製成,起源於撒丁島,拉齊奧和托斯卡納。 Pecorino Romano DOP 是最古老的意大利奶酪之一,它可以追溯到羅馬時代,據說它是戰爭中士兵的食物

Pecorino Romano DOP cheese has a hard texture and a sharp and salty flavor. An excellent grating cheese over pasta and bread, or paired it with a glass of Italian red wine. Pecorino Romano DOP shows smooth white with a hard rind coated in oil. At Alifood, we offer only strict selected and certificated DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) Pecorino Romano.
Pecorino Romano DOP 奶酪質地堅硬,風味濃郁而咸。一種出色的奶酪,可用於通心粉和麵包,或與一杯意大利紅酒搭配。 Pecorino Romano DOP 顯示出光滑的白色,表面塗有硬油。在Alifood,我們僅提供經過嚴格選擇和認證的Pecorino Romano DOP(受保護的原產地標記)

Optional grated or full piece

Keep refrigerated. To be consumed within 48 hours.