Amaro Montenegro - 750ml

Regular price $334.12 Sale price $267.30

Authentic Amaro Montenegro from Italy created in 1885.
來自意大利的地道Amaro Montenegro於1885年創建

Product Description: A traditional amaro distilled in Bologna following extensive devoted experiments performed by Stanislao Cabianchi, who named this liquueur after Princess Elena of Montenegro. It is made from a secret blends of 40 botanicals including vanilla, orange peels, eucalyptus.
產品描述:斯坦尼斯勞·卡比安奇(Stanislao Cabianchi)進行了廣泛的實驗後,在博洛尼亞蒸餾了一種傳統的阿馬羅酒,他以黑山的埃琳娜公主的名字命名了這種酒。它由40種植物藥的秘密混合物製成,其中包括香草,橙皮,桉樹

Tasting Notes: Deep amber color. The aroma has bright citrus notes with underlying spices of cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla and cloves. The palate is medium rich and sweet. There's a slight floral back-note to the spirit. Aftertaste with soapy bitter citrusy to finish.

Amaro Montenegro is one of the most famous symbols of Italian liqueur tradition and culture.
Amaro Montenegro 是意大利利口酒傳統和文化的最著名標誌之一

Alcohol Content: 23% 酒精度:23%

Size: 750ml 容量:750亳升

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


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