Home Made "Arrabbiata" Spicy Tomato Sauce - 300 Grams

Regular price $65.62 Sale price $52.50

Our signature Home Made Tomato Sauce with fresh spicy chili, chili flakes and spicy extra virgin olive oil. Hot and delicious.

Arrabbiata sauce, is a spicy sauce for pasta made from garlic, tomatoes, and dried red chili peppers cooked in olive oil. The sauce originates from the Lazio region, around Rome. Arrabbiata literally means "angry" in Italian; the name of the sauce refers to the spiciness of the chili peppers.
Arrabbiata 醬,是一種用大蒜,西紅柿和橄欖油做的干紅辣椒製成的通心粉辣醬。醬汁起源於羅馬附近的拉齊奧地區。 Arrabbiata 在意大利語中的字面意思是“生氣”。醬的名稱是意指辣椒的辛辣味

Net Weight: 300 Grams - Ideal for 2 servings of 100 grams of pasta
淨重:300克 - 2份100克意大利麵的理想份量

Keep Refrigerated. To consume within 48 Hours

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