Sassicaia Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Tenuta San Guido, Tuscany - 750 ml

Regular price $725.00 Sale price $580.00

Sassicaia Extra Virgin Olive Oil

60 bottles only available this year in Hong Kong.

The olive growing areas of the estate are arranged in promiscuous plantations, in compliance with the traditional agricultural style and characteristic of the historic Tuscan estates.

The extra virgin olive oil from the Tenuta San Guido is made from olives hand picked on the hills of Bolgheri, a few minutes away from Livorno. Low pressure pressing confers this product with a cloudy appearance and a medium fluidity. It is yellow with green reflexes in colour. The aroma of olives blends with notes of dried herbs. The oil is characterised by a delicate and fruity flavour, reminiscent of sage and tomato.
Tenuta San Guido 的特級初榨橄欖油是用手工採摘的橄欖製成的,該橄欖採自Bolgheri的山丘,距裡窩那隻有幾分鐘的路程。低壓壓賦予該產品混濁外觀和中等流動性。黃色,綠色反射。橄欖的香氣與乾香草的香氣交融。該油的特徵是精緻的果味,讓人聯想到鼠尾草和番茄

On the hills around Livorno, the olives of the Tenuta San Guido farm are transformed into a superior condiment. Sassicaia extra virgin olive oil has a delicate and fruity flavour and is perfect served with soups, bruschetta, salads, boiled or steamed vegetables. Thanks to its excellent smoke point, this oil is also suitable for frying.
在利佛諾(Livorno)周圍的山丘上,特努塔(Tenuta San Guido)農場的橄欖變成了高級調味品。 Sassicaia 特級初榨橄欖油具有柔和的水果風味,非常適合與湯,意式烤麵包,沙拉,煮熟或蒸製的蔬菜搭配使用。由於其出色燻染特色,該油也適合油炸


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